
måndag 28 september 2015

A place I want to go to

I don´t have one place I want to go to. I have many! 

One place I would like to visit is the jail Alcatraz, in San Francisco. It maybe sound kind of weird but I think it would be really intresting. First of all, I think San Francisco is a really nice place. Alcatraz are on a island, pretty far away from the city. The island is a bit from the Golden Gate, the jail was one of the most escape proof jails in 1943, beacuse of the water, it is really strong streams. But the reason I want to visit alcatraz is beacuse I think you get a really good picture how it was to be locked in. And how disgusting it was to live there.

Another place I want to go to is South Africa beacuse i´m really intrested of Nelson Mandela. I would like to visit the capital. Soweto would also be nice yo visit, Soweto are a museum of Nelsons house. He lived there with his wife and two childrens. I want to go to the Nelson Mandela Museum, in the museum you can fallow all phases of his life, and robber island where he was captured. 

The last place I want to visit is a city that I already have been to, London. I love London! The peoples accents, the stores, the resturants, fish and chips and all the old buildings. The last time I was there was 2014, I went there with both of my parents and we had a really nice time. Of course we shopped a lot, or I shopped a lot. One fun thing we did was that we ate food from different countries every dinner. Sow it was from, Vietnam, Thai, North Africa food from Marocco, a big american burger and so on. I want to go to the Harry Potter World if I would visit London Again. 

torsdag 17 september 2015

Differences between The story of Galert and Rex

The most clear similarity between the fary tails is that the both dogs get left with a baby in their beds asleep at home. Then it come a wolf and want to hurt the baby. The both dogs attack the wolf and defeat it, and save the baby. But under diffrent conditions. Galert didn´t get hurt he was just covered in blood from the wolf, while Rex had a wound in the stomach when the fights was over. 

The dogs are not sow similary in the body, Galert is a big, strong and a brave dog. While Rex is not that big but he is a really intelligent dog. They live in a big castle with a lot of royalty in The story of Galert, but in Rex they live on a farm and produce everything by them self.

Farmer soames and the prince was going to kill the dogs but baby Anne saved Rex with a laugh, But Galert was killed whit a sword right away when the prince saw what happaend. Or what he thought was happend.